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Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing 4-Flickr pt.1

Well, for the first part of this "thing" I just tried to familiarize myself with the site. I really haven't looked at it before, at least that I remember. Well, lo and behold, I found pictures of my husband and two kids on the site. Turns out that my husband's cousin uploaded all of the picture from last summer's family reunion to his flickr account and there my family was (I was sick that day so luckily I escaped having my picture posted!) I have told several people about this and I have gotten a very interesting response from everyone. First it is surprise and then they all mentioned they thought it was kind of creepy. I have to admit, I am a very private person and having pictures of my family on the internet that I wasn't aware of--or had forgotten about--is unsettling. Granted there were no names attached to the pictures but they were found just by searching my last name. It really is hard to retain one's privacy nowdays. That being said, I would have tried to upload a picture of my family to my blog but I couldn't find one I liked. Guess I'll try the frog picture instead!

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