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Friday, February 29, 2008

Thing 8: share your creations

I can see how these tools would be both extremely helpful and addictive. In my job I don't have to give presentations or create posters/flyers but if I did you could really jazz them up using some of these programs. What is also nice is it seems like it can be done fairly inexpensively--one can even go to the library and use the internet there if they don't have their own computer at home!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Thing 7--Web 2 communication tools

I am one of the e-mail generation. I have used a hotmail account for many years now and now because of 23 three things on a stick I have a gmail and yahoo account also! I probably will stick with using mainly the hotmail account. It gets to be just too much information, passwords to remember etc. I belong to several list serves and my e-mail gets getting cluttered with a lot of interesting e-mails about revelent topics but I am finding I just don't have time to read them all.

I do enjoy IM once in a while on my personal computer but I don't think I would like it as much if I had to use it while working on desk. As it is, it can be complicated trying to juggle the phone and patrons at the desk, throw in IM and it really could get interesting.

I have a cell phone and I have no idea how to text message. I plan on keeping it that way for awhile. But I could see how all of these forms of communication could appeal to those who are younger or really computer savvy. I bet a lot of our patrons would love to contact us by any or all of these methods.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thing 6--trading card

Originally uploaded by Bethb's pics
Here is my trading card. I did have trouble uploading this. I was trying to get to to my flickr account from the big huge labs site but I wasn't able to do that. So, I then saved it to my computer instead and uploaded it that way. I know it has to be easier than the way I am doing this--I must be doing something wrong. Anyway, it is a really cool tool. I really like the librarian's trading card's that I saw and I think some kids would think they were neat while others might think they are lame. Fun tool

Thing 5 mosaic

My creation
Originally uploaded by Bethb's pics
I took me a lot of time to figure this out and we'll see if I can add it to my blog. I can see how this would be a very useful feature for someone who was creating posters. There are a lot of really cool things one can do with all of the features on flickr. But personally I probably won't use it much. I still wrestle with the privacy issue. I just am not one to put my pictures out there and I can't say I would be too happy with friends and family who were posting my pictures without telling me. I had an ex-friend in college who took a really bad photo of me--not obscene-just really bad and when she got angry at me she showed it to all of my friends and even people I didn't know very well. Now she had to ask a mutual friend from California to send her the negative and then manually showed it to people. Can you imagine what she would have done it she had the ability to post it to flickr and share it with the world.

Monday, February 11, 2008

2007 Palzer Family Reunion0233

Here's one of my family I found on Flickr

another frog

another frog
Originally uploaded by rainforest_harley
Here's another attempt to add a photo

Yeah, I did it--don't ask me how. I just kept pushing buttons and finally succeeded!

Frog by Rainforest-Harley

I am having a terrible time uploading a picture. I'll try to give it one more shot. Okay other people, what am I doing wrong. I can't get the picture to display. Help!

Thing 4-Flickr pt.1

Well, for the first part of this "thing" I just tried to familiarize myself with the site. I really haven't looked at it before, at least that I remember. Well, lo and behold, I found pictures of my husband and two kids on the site. Turns out that my husband's cousin uploaded all of the picture from last summer's family reunion to his flickr account and there my family was (I was sick that day so luckily I escaped having my picture posted!) I have told several people about this and I have gotten a very interesting response from everyone. First it is surprise and then they all mentioned they thought it was kind of creepy. I have to admit, I am a very private person and having pictures of my family on the internet that I wasn't aware of--or had forgotten about--is unsettling. Granted there were no names attached to the pictures but they were found just by searching my last name. It really is hard to retain one's privacy nowdays. That being said, I would have tried to upload a picture of my family to my blog but I couldn't find one I liked. Guess I'll try the frog picture instead!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 3--RSS Feeds

I have just spent the last hour or so playing around with RSS feeds and I think it is a useful tool. If a patron did not have an internet connection at home and was using the libraries internet it could really cut down on the time he spent searching individual sites and could help him manage his internet time more wisely. On the other hand I am so used to going to individual sites that I am not sure how much I will use my RSS feed account.

On a side note, all of these passwords and e-mails I am using in different places are all starting to swirl around my head. I now have 3 different e-mail accounts and 3 times as many passwords. I really have to think about where I am before I enter my info!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Thing 2--Library 2.0

Does it ever feel like there is too much information and too little time to learn it? I have to admit I am starting to fell a little bit overwhelmed by Library 2.0. I can see how it can be useful to libraries whether it be drawing kids to the libraries with the lure of gaming and internet usage or for the librarians themselves using wikis to share information, but at times I just want to say the world is spinning too fast and I want to get off. I enjoy learning new things but I can't say I am the most speedy learner, especially with all things computer. Thus, when I created my avatar I thought this is pretty cool--I will just ignore the fact it took me about 2 hours to figure it out. Ok, maybe not that long but long enough!

Well, I will just keep plugging along and slowly but surely I will be drug into the information age!